Will An Injury Lawyer In Collingwood Talk About FAQs In Truck Accidents
Truck accidents are more dangerous than most people realize. While they don't make the top ten list of causes of injury, they account for more than 5% of all vehicle accidents every year and kill more than 11 people each day. You may have some common questions about truck accidents that we are more than happy to cover to help you understand.
What are some common truck accidents?
Injury Lawyer Collingwood knows that a truck accident is a broad term that refers to any collision between a vehicle and another object. In general, this can include accidents involving other vehicles on the road as well as rollover accidents and truck fires. Truck drivers have been known to fall asleep at the wheel, which can lead to accidents in which they run off the road while driving or crash into another vehicle while they're trying to sleep (or both).
A more common type of accident involves distracted driving by truckers who are texting or using their phones while behind the wheel. This is one reason why you should always put down any electronic device when you're driving your car or truck—even if it's just for a minute!
What causes trucks to crash into each other?
Injury Lawyer in Collingwood understands that truck drivers need to be more alert and aware of their surroundings. Drivers should pay attention to the road and not on their phone, that way they can be more aware of other drivers on the road. If a truck is going too fast, it can cause cars behind them to crash into each other!
What to do if you are involved in a truck accident?
If your vehicle sustained damage from an accident, you should also contact a tow truck service immediately so they can remove it from the scene of the crash. Injury Lawyer in Collingwood says that if your vehicle is drivable after all repairs have been completed, then drive it to a safe location before proceeding with further steps.
Can I sue if I am injured in a truck accident?
Injury Lawyer in Collingwood knows that while you may be tempted to sue the driver of the truck, it's important to remember that he is also covered by insurance. If your injuries are severe enough and you believe he was at fault in causing them, then you can seek damages from his insurance company. However, if these injuries were caused by something other than driving recklessly or negligently (such as an accident with another vehicle), then your case may be dismissed due to lack of causation.